Posts Tagged: philosophy

Medea Archaeology, or Inhuman Interconnections and their Monstrous Milieu: Ancient and Modern Cybernetics

Presentation by Dan Mellamphy (University of Western Ontario). Pythagoras, father of digital technology (via his mathesis universalis the tetractys), believed in the trans‐human ‘love and pursuit of wisdom’, coining a word for the latter (namely φιλοσοφία) and suggesting that the

Medea Archaeology, or Inhuman Interconnections and their Monstrous Milieu: Ancient and Modern Cybernetics

Presentation by Dan Mellamphy (University of Western Ontario). Pythagoras, father of digital technology (via his mathesis universalis the tetractys), believed in the trans‐human ‘love and pursuit of wisdom’, coining a word for the latter (namely φιλοσοφία) and suggesting that the